Lawyer Lifestyle Podcast

Brett Trembly wearing a suit, whit shirt and blue tie, crossing his arms next to a picture of a man smiling, wearing a blue suit next to the words lawyer lifestyle podcast. At the left next to Brett is the GSU logo

On June 16, 2020, we had the privilege of being the featured guest on the Lawyer Lifestyle podcast. This podcast is hosted by Dave Scriven-Young, a Chicago attorney on a daily journey to discover key principles in the areas of marketing, sales, and leadership. It always features successful solos and companies and the tools and […]

Crushing Chaos with Law Firm Mentor Podcast

Post that shows Brett Trembley in a suit, with white shirt and blue tie while smiling. with the tittle Hiring Virtual Assistants for Your Law Firm with guest Brett Trembly. FT Crushing Chaos with Law Firm Mentor Podcast. The image have a blue back ground with a purple.

On June 16, 2020, we had the privilege of being the featured guest on Crushing Chaos with Law Firm Mentor podcast. This podcast is hosted by Allison Williams, who is dedicated to providing management, marketing, and strategic planning advice for attorneys. It always features successful solos and companies, and the tools and strategies needed to […]

Candid Convos featuring Angela Miller

Tittle Candid Convos featuring Angela Miller. At the left we can see Angela wearing her glasses and a black shit sitting in an office, and in the other side is Brett sitting in his office near the GSU Logo with a gray shirt with the GSU Logo.

We’re thrilled to share with you our first episode of Candid Convos, where we discuss virtual staffing in the new remote economy with a lawyer or other business owner who utilizes virtual staff. This time, our featured guest was Angela Miller, from The Spiggle Law Firm based in Arlington, Virginia.  We don’t always interview clients, but today’s episode is one […]

Mission Matters Podcast

Brett with a suit, white shirt and a blue, black ,gray tie crossing his hands while smiling a smiling of next to an image of a man in a black with red tie smiling promoting in the image: the Podcast Mission matters letters in color orange an business in white

On May 21, 2020, we had the privilege of being the featured guest on the Mission Matters podcast. This podcast is hosted by Adam Torres, and it is designed for busy people on the move, so every episode lasts between 10 and 15 minutes. It always features leaders sharing their life and career experience. In […]

How Lawyers Should Shift Their Marketing Strategy During The Shutdown

A close up of a Typewriter with the words Marketing Strategy.

One thing is eminently clear in the middle of the COVID-19 Shutdown.  For law firms that don’t have massive reserves to just “sit tight” for 6 months or more, something is going to have to change in the way they market their services if their firms are going to survive.  That means taking a holistic […]

Why Right Now is the Best Time to Hire, Perhaps Ever

A woman with a stripe shirt talking over the cellphone while holds a pen in front of a computer, with also a cup on a table sitting in a living room.

You read the subject line correctly. Right now is the best time to hire. This isn’t clickbait or a clever ruse to trick you into reading something completely useless. Because of the craziness that is Coronavirus, and the upheaval in the business world, all of us have been forced to dramatically change the way we […]

The Entrepreneur Way Podcast

Brett smiling while crossing his arms wearing a suit white shirt, and blue tie. At his left is the Gsu logo and at his right there is an illustration of a microphone with a city at the back with the tittle The Entrepreneur Way with Neil Ball

On April 11, 2020, we had the privilege of being the featured guest on The Entrepreneur Way podcast. This podcast is hosted by Neil Ball, who, episode after episode, shares his knowledge with want to be entrepreneurs and other entrepreneurs who already have a business and need some additional guidance to take it to the […]

Are You Ready For The New Remote Economy?

person in a zoom call with his computer in a wooden table, with a book and a dictionary some documents, marker pens, rulers and an eraser.

Over the past ten years, remote working has been rapidly on the rise.  According to Fundera, in 2017 there were roughly 3.7 million employees worldwide working from home at least half the time. Furthermore, remote working has become a favorite perk for both employees and companies. A recent infographic published by the digital company GO-Gulf as well as data […]