Beating the Heat: Strategies for Law Firms Dealing with Summer Injury Influx

Beating the Heat: Strategies for Law Firms Dealing with Summer Injury Influx

Summer brings sunshine, vacations, and unfortunately, a surge in injury cases. As a law firm specializing in personal injury, you might find your caseload swelling faster than a jellyfish sting. From pool accidents to outdoor sports injuries, the warm weather often goes hand in hand with more accidents happening. So, how can your firm effectively […]

A Reflection for Lawyers on the Fourth of July

A Reflection for Lawyers on the Fourth of July

With barbecue grills on the rise and pyrotechnics looming in the skies, it’s time to celebrate the Fourth of July. For the lawyers within our beautiful nation, let this special day be a reminder of your hard work and accomplishments. Let’s celebrate our independence by reconnecting with loved ones and closing the year in victory, […]

4 Things to Consider When Starting Your Own Practice

4 Things to Consider When Starting Your Own Practice get staffed up blog

Taking the leap to start your own law firm is both exhilarating and nerve-racking. It’s a chance to be your own boss and build the practice of your dreams, but it also comes with many challenges to prepare for. As you lay the groundwork for your new venture, there are four key areas to carefully […]

The heart of the matter: Why we love lawyers

why we love lawyers

In essence, Valentine’s Day seems light-hearted but still intersects with the legal world in terms of relationships, business agreements, hospitality spaces, and, sadly, violence. However, this year, we want to focus on the heart of the matter, why we love a lawyer. Lawyers often get a bad rep for seeming rigid, argumentative, and married to […]

Why Your Law Firm Should Embrace the Pomodoro Technique

Law firm owners and attorneys often find themselves buried in an avalanche of tasks, leaving little room for strategic planning or business growth. At Get Staffed Up, we specialize in connecting law firms with exceptional Offshore Staffers to help maximize productivity, reduce costs, and increase profitability. That’s why we recommend embracing the Pomodoro Technique as […]

Delegation Quiz: Learn Which Virtual Assistant Fits Your Law Firm

In the dynamic world of law, staying ahead of the game requires streamlined workflows and powerful delegation. For law firm owners looking to enhance their operations and achieve bigger success, offshore staffing is the cost-efficient solution. However, law firm owners know what they need help with but are not 100% sure of which specific role or position […]

Candid Convos with John Cannon

Welcome back to another episode of Candid Convos! In this episode, we welcome law firm owner and attorney John Cannon. His law firm, Cannon and Associates, specializes in Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, and Family law. John is dedicated to helping clients and their families through difficult situations, fighting for their rights while always keeping his […]

Time To Accomplish Your Goals: Start Hiring!

Vision without action is delusional. As a business owner, you are responsible for conducting and overviewing all the critical pieces that lead to your company’s growth. You understand your time is precious, and to get the most out of it, you need effective processes and great talent to delegate to. With both elements in place, […]

Essential Networking Legal Events to Strengthen Your Law Firm

Without new referrals, your marketing reach is stagnant, and you feel like you are falling behind…  Networking and being aware of legal innovations are crucial components of a successful law practice. In previous years, we’ve seen the power and importance of networking at legal events and how effective they are when finding solutions for law […]

Candid Convos with Chrystan Carlton

Welcome back to Candid Convos! Our show, where amazing business leaders share their valuable insights and experiences with our host, Joe Bravo (GSU’s Senior Community Coordinator). In this episode, we welcome our amazing guest, Chrystan Carlton, a law firm owner and corporate attorney. Chrystan helps her clients navigate the complex legal landscape quickly and confidently, […]