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Candid Convos with Wendi Lawson

Candid Convo with Wendi Lawson, hosted by Joe Bravo.

Welcome back to Candid Convos! A show where amazing business leaders share their insights and experiences with our host, Joe Bravo (GSU’s Senior Community Coordinator). In this episode, we welcome our incredible guest, Wendi Lawson, an attorney and law firm owner. She runs a Real Estate title abstracting firm, providing preliminary reports on titles for other attorneys and title companies. She is an SC Court-recognized Expert in heirs’ property litigation, boundary disputes, and chain of title issues. Come joins us as Wendi shares with Joe the extreme importance of nurturing a powerful and empathetic team to overcome obstacles and live a happier life.

With Great Calling, Comes Great Responsibility

Wendi’s law career started as a paralegal; she worked at that position for many years. Later, she started her own company that researched real estate titles. After the market crashed in 2010, she decided it was time to become a full-on lawyer. Special education was the legal area that attracted Wendi the most; she realized children needed good legal representation and decided to go full throttle helping them.

Wendi saw the potential to make a significant impact on the lives of her clients. By advocating for the rights of students with disabilities, she could help them ensure they receive the support needed to thrive in school and beyond. Working with their families to ensure the children receive the appropriate services and accommodations, as well as advocating for policy changes to improve the education system.

Helpful Expansion

Delegation and hiring become crucial to the success of the business. Wendi states how you need to focus on making lawyer money. Focusing on the important tasks and delegating the rest will provide better results. Hiring the right people to help you level up and avoid burnout must be a priority for any business owner.

Being a true solo eventually will lead to burnout; all the small tasks take time, and that’s time you’re not making the money necessary to expand. The more you expand, the more people you can help. Wendi has a hybrid team now, and she makes an effort to make them feel like a valuable part of the team. The key to working with virtual assistants is to hire people who want to work and work hard, are proactive, and are willing to learn and absorb knowledge.  “That’s the people you need working for you.”

Now Wendi can work from anywhere and enjoy a greater work-life balance. She’s also looking to further expand her business and retire when she feels it’s the right time. You, too, can enjoy the benefits of delegation and increase your profitability with the help of incredible offshore assistants. FIND THE TOP 1% TALENT FOR YOUR LAW FIRM HERE.

Contact Wendi Lawson

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