
Get Staffed Up, LLC

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Building Your Freedom with Brett Trembly


podcast blog banner with the title "Building your freedom with Get Staffed Up's Co-Founder and CEO, Brett Trembly" to the left and Brett's picture to the right, and a text "Listen now on: Center Stage"

Our CEO and co-founder, Brett Trembly, was a special guest in the “Center Stage Podcast.” Brett talks about how he built his successful law firm by mastering time management and delegation. He also described how he founded Get Staffed Up and mastered it, this time by incorporating virtual staffing. Now with his newest best-selling book, “24 Months to Freedom,” he is sharing the know-how on building the law firm of your dreams with incredible offshore talent.

Stop Thinking Of Doing Everything Yourself

Lawyers themselves, Brett and Enrique (GSU’s co-founders), had first-hand experience regarding stressful times because of their programmed way of thinking, meaning they should try and do most of the law firm work with the least possible help. Their eureka moment happened when they realized how much money they could save by taking advantage of global economies while out-sourcing the best off-shore talent.

When Brett decided to hire a Virtual Assistant and delegate all of the day-to-day tasks to her, he finally had time to focus on important parts of his business. In less than one month, he had done it; he doubled his revenue. Using the strength of other talented people allowed him to improve his workflow and help other clients have amazing experiences with Virtual Assistants.

Breaking the Hamster Wheel

Brett’s experiences with Virtual Assistants led him to write his incredible second book called, “24 Months to Freedom”. In the book, Brett masterfully explains in detail a plan to staff your law firm with great virtual employees. GSU’s mission has always been about helping overworked and stressed-out solo, small, and medium-sized law firm owners achieve freedom of time, money, and purpose.

Thanks to his expertise and wisdom gained, Brett’s knowledge shine throughout every chapter of the book, which clearly describes the order of positions you need to hire to make your law firm mightier by carefully explaining the order and how to find the right individuals who excel at the job successfully. Brett states, “You’ll realize how easy, convenient, and measurable it is to expand your law firm’s reach and the unlimited potential offshore Staffers offer to your practice.”

You can, too, find your way to freedom with Brett’s newest book; get it HERE.

If you’d like a preview first, we have the first 3 chapters available for free HERE.

100% ready to start and strengthen your practice? Find and hire the Top 1% of Virtual Assistants HERE.


Contact Get Staffed Up, LLC for More Information
Get Staffed Up, LLC today by calling 866-763-5699.

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