On March 20th, 2022, Brett Trembly, attorney, and co-founder of Get Staffed Up, was featured on the Lawyer Stories Podcast. Hosted by Benny Gold, founder of Lawyer Stories. Lawyer Stories is a global community dedicated to providing lawyers and law students with a platform to share their personal journeys in law practice. Their inclusive community connects legal professionals around the world. And provides a positive environment for creating meaningful and professional relationships.
Brett and Benny start by discussing Brett’s journey from Eastern New Mexico University to the University of Miami Law School. Brett then introduces Get Staffed Up as the largest virtual staffing company for attorneys and legal companies in the United States. And the reason why they are the leading company is that they hire incredible people through their unique hiring process. As Brett mentioned in the podcast, “the wrong hiring process leads to frustration”. However, we need to learn to be the type of employer that people want to work for as employees. No one is entitled to great employees, we gotta earn them by investing time in onboarding.
Hire People That Will Help You Be More Productive
Brett saw a need within the law industry because as a lawyer he felt like he needed to do everything himself. And just like himself, he noticed that many peers were in similar positions. People were working very hard but not necessarily growing. Benny asked Brett about a differentiator factor from all the competitors – Recruitment. Brett assures that recruitment is the one thing Get Staffed Up does better than the competition, as well as the company culture. Attorneys and offshore professionals show interest and want to be associated with the company.
Furthermore, Benny wonders when do you know you are ready to hire a virtual assistant? “You are ready”, whether we want to accept it or not. We all need those extra hours to focus on tasks that will grow the business. By hiring you can move up the ladder and allow other people to do their job. Lastly, Brett and Benny talk about the most common tasks that a lawyer delegates to a virtual assistant, with email, and calendar being at the top of the list.
To hear more about delegation and Brett’s story, click HERE.