Virtual work is instantly associated with screens, gadgets, and other technological-related words. One thing is certain, communication through our electronic devices has become an absolute necessity in today’s professional world. After the global pandemic, Zoom conferences became even more popular, offering an efficient communication solution. Since meetings taking place during Zoom calls are as important as in-person ones, security needs to be a priority. You want to make your clients feel safe when sharing valuable information remotely. Here are 3 ways how to secure your zoom meetings.
Password Protected Meetings
Acting like a lock between your remote office door and the virtual hallway full of people. Not everyone should have access to specific meetings, it’s recommended to enable a passcode to improve security. Also, you can enable the “Waiting Room” where the guest waits to be let inside the call. Implement it for all your future important meetings. You can request attendees to register as well, with their e-mail, and name, and even add your questions. Remember you can also remove anyone from the meeting and even prevent them from rejoining.
Enable Session Recording
You can let the guest know beforehand or when starting the meeting, to further increase your zoom credibility. ALWAYS let your attendees know the meeting will be recorded and for what purposes. Uninforming them now could be considered ‘wiretapping’ and criminal intent is something you and us stand firmly against. No need to record every interaction; however, it’s recommended to always implement it when an important meeting takes place and sensitive information is shared.
Secure Location
While the meeting takes place in the intangible ‘digital world’, our physical bodies are still vulnerable in the ‘real world’, and security is also needed. Having your zoom calls within a secure network is critical since data could be easily intercepted and your device integrity could be compromised. A quiet location is also recommended, taking your calls in a loud public place could make the meeting uncomfortable for the other attendees. You can request your virtual assistant to set up all the requirements before the meetings and help you with notes during the call.
Simple but powerful advice to highly increase your zoom meetings security standards. The effectiveness of an in-person meeting vs a virtual one is practically the same, but why drive or fly to another location when you can perfectly take it from the comfort of your choosing? We are aware some meetings require your physical presence, but if it’s going to be in a zoom call, then don’t forget these useful tips to increase your security.