An Intake Specialist plays a critical role in the legal industry, serving as the point of contact between a law firm and potential clients. Their primary responsibility is to gather and assess relevant information about a client’s legal needs to determine if the firm can provide the necessary legal services.
Having someone in this role will also help you implement systems and automation to scale up the number of leads you can process. Consequently, increasing your chances of closing a deal and getting more clients with few resources.
Download our FREE resource and discover:
👉 The mission of the Intake Specialist in the law firm.
👉 Key skills and character traits.
👉 Top tasks they perform.
We were founded by two lawyers who thought that running a law firm should be insanely joyful (we’re changing lives, after all) – but didn’t find that joy until their teams were sufficiently large enough so that the lawyers only focused on what was important to them.
We staff your law firm with incredible, offshore, full-time Virtual Assistants.