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5 Tools You Can Use for Effective Communication with Your Remote Team

5 Tools You Can Use for Effective Communication With Your Remote Team

At Get Staffed Up, we strongly believe that virtual assistants (VAs) can be a helpful asset to your company’s growth. With the latest technological advancements, effective communication tools for virtual assistants have improved. Allowing VAs to perform all the same tasks without any dip in productivity; in fact, there may be cases in which VAs can provide greater productivity than in-house employees.

Virtual assistants raise a number of important issues and considerations for law firm owners. One of these issues is effective communication. In this post, we will discuss 5 effective communication tools which firm owners can use to optimize their workforce.

Virtual assistant benefits

1. Monday.com

A popular working management platform used on both desktop and mobile systems. This platform is customizable, and so users can create their own applications and management programs. It uses cloud-based technology, and link connectivity to other work applications. Monday.com can be an excellent tool to improve operational efficiency and communication with other employees, and as such can be a great means to stay connected with your remote team.

2. Google Chat

Google Chat is a messenger service (provided by Google) which works within the Gmail account system. Basically, Google Chat enables two Gmail users to instantaneously send text messages to each other while logged in to the Gmail system. In other words, this program essentially functions like a telephonic text message service, but is strictly within the Gmail system. As long as you and your remote team agree to remain with Gmail, this can be a great way to communicate.

3. Skype

As many readers will know, Skype is a well-known video conferencing software program which allows users to engage in fully-enhanced video conferences with other users. Skype users can create their own conference and then send invitations to future attendees; the whole program is simple to navigate and easy to use. Skype has been the preferred video conference software for quite some time, and will allow firm owners to easily communicate with their remote employees.

4. Asana

A relatively new platform, Asana is a task management and coworker communication program which enables users to perform a variety of tasks. Asana allows users to organize their own tasks, keep track of deadlines and due dates, message coworkers (via text message), and other things too. Asana can be a hugely valuable tool for law firm owners who have virtual employees, as this program will enable firm owners to communicate easily and also check the status of all critical tasks.

5. Zoom

Like Skype, Zoom is another video conferencing program which allows users to easily set up and conduct video conferences. Zoom is very different from Skype and other video conferencing programs. Thanks to its unique features, like Call recording and Live subtitles.

It all comes down to a basic human need, the need to communicate with others. A clear message is an organized one, the same applies to a team. A great team is always in constant communication. Take advantage of all the online tools available to improve in-house and remote working. Technology is constantly changing, and with it, new trends and ways to improve business communications. We highly recommend to try at least one of the options above and see which one works best for you and your team.

 For More Information, Contact Get Staffed Up, LLC

 If you’d like to learn more, contact Get Staffed Up, LLC today by calling 866-763-5699.

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