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3 Top Reasons to Have a Bilingual Receptionist

3 Top Reasons to Have a Bilingual Receptionist

The United States is a rapidly changing country.  In terms of demographics, the State of Florida is on the cutting-edge of this process. Florida has seen a big influx of newcomers in recent decades, and many of those newcomers are non-native English speakers. In point of fact, many sections of Florida have seen Spanish become a dominant language. If you travel to certain parts of Florida – Orlando, Miami, and other major cities – you can hear plenty of other languages too if you spend any amount of time sauntering around. Floridians can be exposed to all sorts of languages without ever leaving the state. Although, most native Floridians are still monolingual. In this blog, we’re going to discuss the top 3 reasons to have a bilingual receptionist for your law firm.

Having a bilingual receptionist may not be a necessity per see. However, as we will see, this type of person can be extremely valuable.

#1: Cultural Diversity

Part of the benefit of hiring a bilingual receptionist is that doing so brings about a greater appreciation for cultural diversity. As mentioned, Florida has attracted people from various places and countries. Many people now residing in Florida speak another language besides English. Hiring a bilingual receptionist will enable you and your colleagues and staff members to better appreciate the diversity of Floridian society and embrace Florida’s cosmopolitan spirit.


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    #2: Profit Maximization / Client Acquisition

    This is a big one. Certainly, having a bilingual receptionist is not a bad thing when it comes to maximizing your bottom line. Many law firms are forced to turn away potential clients when they realize that they don’t have the linguistic capabilities to handle a case involving a non-English speaker. If this type of event happens often enough, a firm could lose out on a huge amount of profit. A bilingual receptionist can assist with taking on new clients whose command of English is not at a native level. Every time you are able to accept such a case, rather than turn away, that is a net bonus to your firm.

    #3: Professional Growth 

    A bilingual receptionist can also inspire professional growth on the part of your colleagues and staff members. When you bring this person on staff, it can trigger a positive reaction from others in your firm. Team members may want to learn a new language to be able to connect with more potential clients and other professionals. 

    Contact Get Staffed Up for More Information

     There can be plenty of other reasons to bring a bilingual – or even trilingual, etc. – receptionist on board, but these are just 3 of the top reasons. If you’d like to learn more, contact Get Staffed Up, LLC today by calling 866-763-4405.



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