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7 Pain Points a VA Can Solve for You

7 Pain Points a VA Can Solve for You

The number of tasks with which most law firm owners need assistance is quite high. Some people might suppose that law firms only need help with one or two chores; the truth, however, is that most firms need help in a wide range of areas – marketing, scheduling, client interface, and so forth. Identifying the potential pain points of a law firm on time is vital to its success. If you know the roadblocks you’ll face, you can put processes in place to avoid them from the beginning. Virtual assistants (VAs) can be extremely helpful for law firms because VAs can take on a plethora of tasks while working on a remote basis entirely. Hence, law firms can receive a boost in performance without adding any extra clutter to the office.

In this post, we’re going to point out a few of the “pain points” that law firms commonly need help with. This list is far from exhaustive, as there are so many other things that VAs can help with.

1. Writing / Editing

This is a no-brainer. Law firms often need help with content writing, content editing, video creation, video editing, and so forth. A virtual assistant can play a huge role in document creation, such as contracts and marketing content development. You can use your VA to create brand new content, edit content, and make a vital contribution to your online media.

 2. Managing Phones

On a day-to-day basis, managing a busy phone at a law firm can be very challenging and time-consuming. As long as you rig things properly, you can reroute your initial calls to a virtual assistant and have everything handled remotely. Of course, you will want to train your VA carefully for this task, but there is no question that this can be outsourced.

3. Marketing Materials

VAs can be especially useful when it comes to creating marketing materials, such as brochures, leaflets, social media posts, and so forth. You need dedicated people to focus on developing your complex marketing strategy, and VAs can fill these roles quite easily.


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    4. Email Management

    If you’re a busy law firm owner, you’re probably familiar with the problem of being inundated with 100s of emails on any given day. Many firm owners seek assistance with managing and responding to incoming emails. Virtual assistants can help you organize, sort, reply and keep track of all your incoming emails on a daily basis. Download the Taming the Email Monster resource and learn the collaborative email delegation system and regain control of your time.

    5. Client Liaison

     Law firms usually need a central “point of contact” between the firm and the firm’s clients. Virtual assistants can play this role very well. Your VA can assist with contacting clients, establishing and maintaining good rapport, and making sure that all the client’s expectations are being met.

    6. Internal Office Communication

    Sometimes, because of how hectic a law firm can be, lawyers often lose good communication with paralegals and other professional staff. Basically, law firms need to have an internal office communicator, someone who can notify lawyers, paralegals, and others regarding important updates and developments. A virtual assistant can help with this task quite well.

    7. Client Interviewing / Scheduling

    Nearly all firms go through a “screening process” with prospective clients – ask basic questions, gather personal data, assess the probability of creating a successful case, etc. A virtual assistant can step in and play this role easily. Your VA can help screen out potential clients so you can focus your efforts accordingly.

    Contact Get Staffed Up, LLC for More Information

    Again, this is only a partial list of 7 pain points. In the future, we may come back and talk about a few other areas in which VAs can be helpful. To learn more, contact Get Staffed Up today by calling 866-763-2540.

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