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Commemorating Our Veterans

Commemorating Our Veterans

Commemorating Our Veterans on November 11. On this day, the U.S. took part in creating the armistice which ended the First World War in 1918. We continue to recognize and honor all veterans on to this date. There are many ways you can venerate the sacrifices made by our veterans. This year, you should celebrate November 11th by learning about the story of one veteran in particular; reading the biographies of successful veterans is one of the best ways to celebrate this day.

The GSU Co-Founder

What most of our readers don’t know is that one of Get Staffed Up’s co-founders is a veteran. The GSU co-founder served in the United States Air Force immediately after graduating from high school. Following this period of service, he completed his undergraduate degree, and then eventually went on to earn a law degree from the University of Miami. After graduating from law school, he opened his own law practice and began focusing on residential real estate closings.

Our co-founder developed his own law practice for over 10 years before he gradually became interested in starting a new business. He realized that many of the limitations imposed by physical space were evaporating because of the latest advances in technology. The time spent in the Air Force, made him realize, that everywhere he went — whether it was Turkey, Saudi Arabia, or Singapore — he always met people who were well-educated and spoke great English. So, remembering those people, the idea of finding incredible people like them, and being able to offer them higher pay than they could find in their local areas, gave him the idea to start hiring virtual assistants for his law practice.

He dedicated months and months to figuring out how to find, screen, and hire incredible people outside of the United States. But instead of hiring just one person, his first job posting yielded five great people, bringing all five of them at the same time. All of them are incredible and still working in his team. At that point, he also found someone for Brett, our other co-founder. They both liked the idea so much that together decided to turn this into a business, and that’s how in 2018 Get Staffed Up was officially born!


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    Remember Veterans by Celebrating Freedom

     In addition to celebrating the biographies of successful veterans, another way to celebrate Veterans Day is to celebrate the virtues which they fought for. Certainly, one of the most important virtues is freedom. As Americans, we believe that citizens should have the right to make their own decisions, so long as those decisions don’t interfere with the freedom of others. In a sense, to celebrate freedom is basically to celebrate the ability to use your time as you see fit. Law firm owners know all about the importance of time management and time maximization. One way to celebrate Veterans Day is to really appreciate the time you have and to take efforts to maximize your time.

    Promote Freedom Hiring a Virtual Assistant

     Virtual assistants are an excellent way to maximize time. This year, you can promote freedom by maximizing your time with a virtual assistant. Virtual assistants can perform many essential tasks, such as bookkeeping, scheduling, marketing, and so forth, and in turn, this will increase your available time. Firm owners can use this newly created time to maximize revenue, improve client satisfaction, and do other things which add value to your business. Virtual assistants work on a remote basis, and so your office won’t suffer any additional clutter. The best part is that you won’t sacrifice anything in terms of quality or efficiency, even though your VA will be entirely remote! This is all due to the wonders of our current technology.

    Contact Get Staffed Up for more information

     We hope this information helps you during this important holiday. For more information, contact Get Staffed Up, LLC by calling 866-763-2540.


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