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Are You Ready for the Freedom of a Hybrid Office?

Are You Ready for the Freedom of a Hybrid Office?

The COVID-19 virus shook the world at its core, leading to economic shutdowns, hiring freezes, social distancing, and other extreme measures. But, after a long and difficult road, society is gradually approaching the kind of normalcy which was taken for granted during the pre-pandemic era. However, although things are returning to normal, the shutdowns may have contributed to one or two permanent lessons. One thing which firm owners learned is that a “hybrid” workforce may be more productive than firms without any remote employees. So, Are You Ready for the Freedom of a Hybrid Office?

In this post, we will discuss the emergence of the “new normal” or hybrid workforces. And, we will also highlight the benefits of this model for law firms.

Hybrid Workforces as the New Normal

By March 2020, shutdown orders were in place in most jurisdictions throughout the country. These orders meant that many brick-and-mortar stores and businesses had to close their doors temporarily. Other “essential businesses” and places with remote capability could remain open. Gradually, as the shutdown orders were incrementally relaxed, many firms created a hybrid workforce. This new workforce had both in-house employees and remote employees. Now that the shutdowns have been almost completely lifted, many firms are sticking with a hybrid workforce. This involves giving in-house employees the option to switch to remote whenever possible, and vice versa. Law firm owners have found that this hybrid model is superior to the exclusively in-house model. Simply put, the model is here to stay.


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    Hybrid Model Offers Numerous Benefits

    The hybrid workforce offers numerous benefits over the traditional model of only allowing in-house employees. For one thing, the hybrid model accommodates different preferences and schedules. Remote employees are often able to complete tasks outside of normal business hours. And, as long as deadlines are met, this doesn’t cause any problems for the firm. Individual needs and preferences can be accommodated without any drop in productivity.

    The hybrid model is also more efficient in many ways. Remote employees, such as virtual assistants, don’t have to consume gasoline and spend time commuting to the office. Consequently, your firm office itself doesn’t have to expand in size, which decreases the costs of rent and maintenance. What’s more, communication via email and phone is often better than in-person communication. As long as communication is frequent enough, remote employees can produce results more efficiently.

    Finally, the hybrid model is simply more adaptable. Consider the shutdown, for example. Those firms which quickly adopted a remote work capability were able to adjust better to the situation. These firms consequently could retain and attract clients and maintain financials better than their rivals. The hybrid model is better suited to adjust to these types of conditions. Of course, no one wants or expects another event such as COVID-19 to happen again. But there is no question that the hybrid is just more capable of adapting to these kinds of unexpected things.

    Contact Get Staffed Up, LLC Today to Learn More

    These are a few reasons why you should be ready for the freedom of a hybrid office. If you would like to learn more about hiring a virtual assistant as a remote employee, reach out to Get Staffed Up, LLC today. Call 866-763-4405 and speak to a representative of GSU now.

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