Developing ways to keep your staff healthy and engaged should be one of the top concerns of firm owners. If you want to have a successful firm, you need to make sure that your team members are as healthy and engaged as possible. This is particularly true if you want to have success that stretches across a long period of time. Nearly any firm can have a single good year or two. However, most firms struggle to perform well over the course of a decade. If you want to join the elite ranks, you need to implement at least a few strategies to encourage these things from your staff. Let’s take a look at a few tips.
Promote / Encourage Healthy Nutrition
Diet and nutrition are of the utmost importance in maintaining physical health. Exercise is important too, but without proper nutrition, the benefits of exercise can be heavily diminished. Encourage your staff to eat well, which will ultimately pay dividends for them and your firm. You can encourage this in several ways, including gift cards to certain eateries, firm-sponsored meals, and so forth.
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Create an Incentive System
There is no way around it: if you want to promote engagement, you must create an incentive system for your staff. Part of this simply boils down to how we are wired as people. If you know that, no matter what your level of engagement, you will receive the same rewards throughout the year, the chance of having optimal engagement is basically zero. This is why you need to create incentives to promote certain behavior. If your staff knows that hitting certain goals will lead to a greater reward, you will start to see results.
Sponsor Team Building Activities
We’ve mentioned this on our blog under different circumstances, but it is worth re-suggesting. Sponsoring team-building activities will promote health and engagement among your staff. You shouldn’t be surprised if you see a definite increase in productivity after sponsoring such activities. When your employees feel more like they are part of a cohesive team, they will work better together and individually.
Contact GSU for More Information
Finding ways to keep your staff healthy and engaged is a recurring concern for law firm owners. The strategies mentioned here should be able to get firm owners started on this task. If you’d like more information, contact Get Staffed Up, LLC today by calling 866-763-2452.