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Candid Convos With David Sánchez– How To Work With Virtual Assistants

Candid Convos With David Sanchez and our Brand Ambassador, Alina Lopez.

We are so happy to share with you our brand-new episode of Candid Convos with David Sanchez! As you may know, in this section we talk with our fellow Get Staffed Up clients and get to know more about them. We also get a glimpse of their experience working with our virtual assistants. 

Based in South Florida, David owns a ten-year experience Title Firm named Vizcaya Title & Escrow LLC. Their goal is to provide clients the best experience when purchasing a property, making them lose any worries surrounding this action. 

As an experienced Title agent, David knows how to determine what needs to be done in order to help the client. However, many times the busy work that involves customer service gets in the way of providing the expected results. David mentioned that the key in Real Estate transactions is having a team that backs you up and liberates your time. That way you are able to provide the desired experience you want to offer. He expressed Get Staffed Up was able to help him accomplish that. Rex is an incredible virtual assistant working full-time from his home in the Philippines for Vizcaya Title & Escrow LLC. 

They’ve been working together for a couple of years now, keeping a positive and dynamic workforce. David mentioned during our interview that he often tests Rex to see how well he can do without supervision. He likes giving Rex challenges by delegating tasks to him without indicating any additional instructions. According to David, Rex gets the work done.

“He follows up with me, which makes my job a lot easier. I couldn’t have the kind of business that I have without his support. It wouldn’t be possible.”

– David Sánchez

David explains that delegating specific activities to his virtual assistant is what allows maximum focus on keeping his firm competitive and improving. He assured Rex represents an important added value to his firm and completely recommends all business owners to hire virtual staff through Get Staffed Up.

“I don’t think we would be where we are right now if we didn’t have their help.”

– David Sánchez

Watch the complete episode of Candid Convos with David Sanchez below! And also, if you want to maximize your efficiency with an international virtual assistant working full-time for your firm, CLICK HERE. 




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