
Get Staffed Up, LLC

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Steps to Take Before Making a Hiring Decision

Interview taking place on a coffee shop.

The possibility of hiring a new employee for your firm is always an exciting situation. As a firm owner, your mind is likely to be filled with all sorts of intriguing thoughts. You are anxious to see whether this potential employee can bring value to your firm; you are interested in seeing whether this person can gel with your team; you are curious as to how to best utilize this person’s skills.

No matter how outwardly attractive a given candidate may be, you must always be sure to think carefully before making a final decision to hire a new employee. The reasons for this are obvious. If you hire the wrong person, this can have a disastrous effect on your business, and in some cases can even drive your business under. Let’s take a look at the steps which you must take before making a hiring decision.

Background Check

Before you hire a new employee, you should conduct a background check. To do this, you will need the consent of your new prospect, as well as the assistance of a background check organization. The reason for this step is simple: you want to make sure that your prospect is a reputable person with a good history. Suppose you uncover that your prospect has a history of embezzling money from employers; this would almost certainly be a prospect you want to pass on. You are under no obligation to hire a new employee; just as the default status of an employee is “at will,” you can choose to simply not hire someone for any reason, as long as the reason doesn’t violate employment discrimination laws.


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    Skills Test

    This is another critical step in the decision-making process. You should be sure to check and verify that your prospect has the requisite skill set for the position. This applies across the board, for any position you hire. If you’re hiring a virtual marketing assistant – something that can be a very desirable thing to do, by the way – you should verify that your prospect has the right marketing skills for the job. You may verify this through a knowledge test, an applied skills test, or both. The key thing is that you want to make sure that your prospective employee does in fact have the competencies required to be successful. We all know about the prospects who are far better at projecting a good image through their resume and their in-person demeanor than performing on the job.

    Good Fit Assessment

    This step is a bit more subtle than those discussed already. We will call this step the “good fit assessment.” When you hire anyone for your company, you need to be sure that this person will be a good fit. This doesn’t just relate to your prospect’s professional skills, background, or knowledge; it’s also about cultural compatibility as well. Every company has a unique culture, and making a good hiring decision is substantially a matter of assimilating a new employee into your particular culture. Suppose your new hire prefers to work irregular hours, and your company needs someone available from 9 am to 5 pm, each and every day. In this case, this new prospect likely wouldn’t be a good fit, even if he or she had great skills.

    Contact GSU for More Information

    These steps should be considered “must-do” things before any hiring decision is made. Remember, your employees are an integral part of your company. Your employees are like the rowing crew on a big ship, you need them to move the ship forward. If you skip any of these steps, you may find yourself in a very tough situation. For more information on how we can help you find incredible virtual team members, reach out to Get Staffed Up, LLC today at 866-763-2540. Also, you can subscribe to our weekly newsletters HERE.



    Photo by Alex Green from Pexels

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