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The Top 3 Tasks for Your Virtual Marketing Assistant

The Top 3 Tasks for Your Virtual Marketing Assistant

The digital era has brought with it a whole range of fascinating opportunities for the business world. One opportunity which you may want to consider is hiring a VIRTUAL MARKETING ASSISTANT. These days, so much marketing takes place in the online environment: blog articles, YouTube videos, social media, and so forth. If you’re like most lawyers who operate their own firm, you’re probably unimaginably busy. When you run your own firm, you are ultimately responsible for everything which takes place. It is your responsibility to see that clients pay their bills, and that associates put in enough billable hours, and that all professional work is up to par, and so forth.

Given the heavy workload associated with running your own firm, it’s easy to see how hiring a virtual assistant can be appealing. In this post, we will discuss the top 3 most important recurring tasks for your virtual marketing assistant. As long as your virtual assistant is well-qualified, there is really no reason to think that he or she cannot do these tasks just as well as an in-house marketing professional.

Social media management.

This one is very intuitive. There is no reason why a virtual marketing assistant cannot complete your social media marketing tasks just as well as an in-house assistant. A virtual marketing assistant will be able to do things such as run and manage Facebook advertisements, create and market Instagram posts, enhance your LinkedIn profile, create and market YouTube videos, and so forth. Simply put, with proper direction, a virtual marketing assistant will be able to perform all of your social media-related duties.

Recurring newsletter.

This one is also fairly straightforward. Many firms develop a recurring newsletter – i.e. biweekly, monthly, bimonthly – in order to promote themselves, stay involved with the business community, and contribute to their industry. If you create a newsletter, a virtual marketing assistant should be able to manage this project. These days, nearly all company newsletters are produced online using software programs (Canva, MS Word, etc.). You can outsource this task to your virtual assistant without losing any productivity. Just be sure to stay in contact with your assistant throughout the production process.

Customer information database.

If you use a customer information database – commonly referred to as a “customer relationship management” system or CRM – there’s a good chance that a virtual marketing assistant will be able to provide assistance in this area. As long as your virtual assistant can gain access to your system remotely, he or she should be able to log in and perform all the traditional functions associated with the system. The assistant can input data, clear out old data, contact customers or prospective customers, update client information, and so forth. CRM systems are a vital part of any firm; maintaining these systems can be arduous, and doing so is usually not something most firm owners enjoy. Fortunately, outsourcing this task to a virtual assistant is very possible today.

Get in touch with Get Staffed Up for more information.

We listed the top 3 most important recurring tasks for your virtual marketing assistant, but there is so much more an assistant can do for you. Hiring a virtual marketing assistant can be a very advantageous business decision for law firm owners. Virtual assistants will be able to assist with many of the most critical functions of your business without sacrificing any level of efficiency or quality. If you’d like to learn more about hiring a virtual marketing assistant, or another type of virtual assistant, CONTACT US today for additional information. Give us a call at 866-763-4405, and we will be delighted to help you.


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