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Packard’s Law

people joining fists representing team, with a background of a newspaper, calculator, Ipad,pen, invoice, and some documents over a wood table.

Have you heard about Packard’s Law?

I’m currently reading a book called Good to Great by Jim Collins.  It’s simply amazing that almost every business book I read reinforces our vision at Get Staffed Up – not only our why but our what and our how.  

Collins perfectly described the phenomenon that keeps so many lawyers from growing.  Better put another way – what keeps lawyers stuck in that never-ending cycle of feast or famine?  You know the one, we’ve all been there.  I was there for over two years, and it’s why I can so confidently say I know exactly what you need to get out of the same place I was.  Or – if you have hired your first employee or two – I can still confidently say you’re going to get stuck there as well unless you keep going.  Maybe you’re happy with two employees, maybe not.  But if your business stops because you leave town – that stress cannot make you happy, and admitting it to yourself is of the utmost importance in your growth.

So, back to Packard’s Law. Here it is:

No company can grow revenues consistently faster than its ability to get enough of the right people to implement that growth and still become a great company. If your growth rate in revenues consistently out paces your growth rate in people, you will not, indeed you simply cannot, build a great company. Those who build great companies understand that the ultimate throttle on growth for any great company is one thing above all else: the ability to get and keep enough of the right people. 

Yes, there are lots of other items to address when growing a company – but none of them matter without people and, more importantly, without the right people.  

This is not to say that every hire you make has to be perfect.  It’s not to say you won’t have turnover.  But what you indeed won’t have without focusing on building a team and then consistently looking for more of the right people – is growth of any kind.  Not to be too harsh on the 58-year-old lawyers out there with one “paralegal” whose law firm has looked the same for the past 30 years – but isn’t there more out there?  Isn’t life too short to settle?  Don’t you want to give it your best shot and see what happens?  Don’t you want to have time to do what you want to do in life – without having an albatross for a business that grinds to a halt when you – God forbid – leave on vacation with your family?

Sincerely, honestly, we want to help.  If you don’t use our services, but we inspire you to hire more help, so you’re not so overwhelmed, we’re happy.  If you want to explore how you can add incredible help without breaking the bank, though, we’re here for you.  Contact us today and see how you can change your own life with a little bit of our help.  After all – this is about making a decision.  We’re here to provide an incredible solution that is almost too good to be true.  But the decision to grow personally by improving your life is yours and yours alone.  Once you take that personal leap, we’d love to help you professionally.  You’re stuck in the cycle of feast or famine because you haven’t adhered to Packard’s Law.  The best news is that getting and keeping the right people doesn’t have to be so stressful anymore.

Hope to hear from you soon. Contact us HERE and subscribe to our mailing list HERE.

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