
Get Staffed Up, LLC

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Raises, Bonuses and Maternity Leave

Thank you for your continued trust in us and your staffer(s). This month, the Three Things we’re discussing are Raises, Bonuses and Maternity Leave.

1. Raises for Your Staffer(s). Reminder, 100% of Raises Go to the Cost of Your Staffer!

We get this question a lot, so hopefully I can clarify a few items. We don’t make a single penny in profit when you give your Staffer a raise. A small percentage of the raise gets lost in transaction fees, just as it would in any other payment process we’ve ever encountered (including if you paid them directly). Some of the raise is given to your Staffer in the form of their annual bonus (the amount depending on the country in which they live) but they receive all of the bonus money as well. The rest is given directly to your Staffer.

As a reminder, your Staffer is paid above the median pay for their region/country, not just for entry-level assistants but for all employees. However, if you’re at all concerned with how much they’re taking home, or simply want to pay them more because we found you the most amazing Staffer ever, please speak to your Happiness Coordinator ASAP about giving your wonderful Staffer a raise.

2. Bonuses… Same 100% Program.

The Holidays are just around the corner, and we’d like to be as prepared as possible. Again, 100% of any bonus money goes directly to your Staffer and any associated costs. GSU doesn’t make a penny on bonuses. If you’d like to give your Staffer a holiday bonus this year, in order to get the money to them in time, we need to know by November 1st in order to process on time. Extra bonuses go a long way to letting your Staffer know how great they’re doing!

3. Maternity Leave. It’s On Us.

One of the many benefits of working with GSU is that if your Staffer has a child, we continue to pay your Staffer while they’re out on maternity leave, out of our own pocket. We also find you a temporary-replacement Staffer, and with enough notice, you won’t have any hiccups in production. This allows your Staffer to take their leave, and not have to worry about job security. This policy has benefitted many of our clients, and one in particular was so thankful, she sent us a thank you message which we’d like to share with you.

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