
Get Staffed Up, LLC

Delegate your way to freedom SM

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Inflation, monthly webinars and a delegation challenge

Thank you for your continued trust in us and your staffer(s). Together we are changing the lives of so many wonderful people across the globe (that is not hyperbole). As our business continues to grow, we’re seeking more ways to give greater value to our clients. One of those efforts will be called “The Three Things,” the first installment of which is below. The Three Things will come straight from me, and only to our staffed-up clients. I’ll be sending you the three most important items that we believe are emerging and/or relevant that month regarding staffing, international staffing, hiring, etc. Sometimes one of the “things” will also be important company news or updates. If you ever need clarification, please let us know.

Inflation and offshore staffing; What it will look like for your business.

Good news and bad news. First, inflation is high, as everyone knows. The 7.5% inflation rate reported last month is extremely low based on most independent consumer analysts’ reports. How this is relevant to you is that inflation will affect offshore staffing costs, eventually. The good news is that it probably won’t happen at the same rate, meaning pay increases won’t hit as hard offshore. Your Staffer(s) is/are already compensated higher than the median rates in the countries/cities where they live. However, it is important to remember that you can give a raise to your Staffer at any time. If you have questions about the raise policy, please contact your Happiness Coordinator to set up a call to discuss.

Furthermore, we have something really cool we’re rolling out in late Q2/early Q3 which will address this issue even more, and we’re really excited about it. We think it’s going to be a game-changer for you, us, and the incredibly wonderful people we are hiring offshore, thanks to you.

If inflation hits your firm hard – frankly you may not see the effects until 6-12 months from now – we’re always here to help you staff up with international talent. We’re not advocates of replacing domestic jobs; in fact, we argue that by hiring offshore you will grow so much faster that you will create more domestic jobs. That said, if you do see an exodus or unreasonable pay hikes, remember that we can help you fill most administrative and marketing positions at your firm.

Finally, because we recruit mostly out of South Africa and Latin America, we do not see the Russia/Ukraine crisis materially affecting you or your staffers. That could always change, especially if more countries are dragged into the fray. We’re monitoring the situation the best we can.

Monthly webinars.

We would like to remind you that we’re hosting monthly webinars the last Wednesday of each month. These webinars are often partnered, where we bring in an expert that we trust to help you with various aspects of growing your law firm/business. This month we had a partnered webinar called “Publish That Book! How Your VA Can Help You Publish and Promote Your Book” with client and friend Kristen David. If there is a topic you’d like to see us cover or even a cool speaker you’d like us to contact to see if we can host a joint webinar, please let us know!

Delegation Challenge!

Finally, we’re giving some money away next month! We’re hosting a “Delegation Challenge” for our clients and members of our Facebook group. It’s kind of like the 75 Hard Challenge, except way less burdensome! You will be asked to do something for yourself every day, and delegate something new every day, for 21 straight business days. It takes 21 days for a habit, and we want you to build the habit of delegating your way to freedom!

We hope you find this information useful and beneficial. See you next month with three other “things” specifically designed for you!

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