
Get Staffed Up, LLC

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Innovative Staffing Solutions for Law Firms With Brett Trembly


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Our CEO and co-founder, Brett Trembly, was a special guest in the “15 Minute Podcast” hosted by Chad Franzen. Get Staffed Up is a virtual staffing company that helps lawyers delegate their way to freedom. GSU has become the largest virtual staffing solution for lawyers in the US. Listen to this podcast and learn about what inspired Brett to create GSU, the process of providing lawyers with Virtual Assistants, and the benefits of delegating tasks and conducting periodical delegation evaluations.

The Road to Delegation

Brett asks, are you stuck in the hamster wheel of your law practice, constantly fighting fires instead of scaling up? Well, if that’s the case, we’re glad to inform you that the solution you’ve been waiting for is closer than you think. Virtual Assistants are the ultimate solution in helping lawyers and business owners buy back time. Through a meticulous vetting process, we find the Top 1% of remote workers from Latin America and pair them with incredible law firm owners.

“The average solo lawyer bills about an hour and a half per day but only collects about an hour per day in revenue.”

Many business owners, especially law firm owners, have a hard time when it comes to hiring; they tend to control every little aspect of the business, and delegating tasks makes them afraid. In order to grow your firm, you need to delegate and keep track of all of your time, not just the billable hours. Learn how to get over the fear of hiring and discover how VAs can help your firm achieve the next level. Increase your law firm’s productivity while providing you with more time to focus on the crucial aspects of your business.

Modern Staffing Solutions

“Your first hire should be someone to delegate to so you can protect your time as a law firm owner and allow you to focus on what only you can do (and what you love to do).”

Brett shares how, with his newest book, “24 Months to Freedom,” you’ll be able to tap into the expertise and experience of Brett, who first hand, has witnessed and crafted a step-by-step plan. Gain fresh perspectives and valuable insights from triumphs, failures, and strategies, enabling you to learn from their successes and avoid common pitfalls.

When you hire, you can use those VAs to help build your training material, process, and different types of manuals. The journey of a business owner is a perpetual learning curve, and even if you’re at the top of your game, there’s always room for growth. Maybe you have only employed in-house staff. Have you thought about adding offshore muscle to your practice? HIRE THE TOP 1% OF VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS HERE.


Innovative Staffing Solutions for Law Firms With Brett Trembly

Contact Get Staffed Up, LLC for More Information
Get Staffed Up, LLC today by calling 866-763-5699.

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