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3 Lessons Learned From Working With Virtual Staff In 2020

Lessons Learned From Working With Virtual Staff

The year 2020 will undoubtedly be ranked among the most important years in the history of our country. When we think of significant years in our history, a few jump out right away: 1776 (Declaration of Independence), 1865 (end of the Civil War), 1918 (end of WWI), 1929 (Wall Street market crash), 1945 (end of WWII), and so on. When we think about years that marked critical turning points for our nation, 2020 should definitely make the cut. We have seen the worst economic catastrophe since the Great Depression of the late 1920s and 1930s. Even though many jobs have returned, many are still on hold, and many more have vanished forever. In some ways, the year 2020 was the year of virtual working; it was the year that virtual employees became something of a necessity, rather than a luxury or option.

As this year comes to a close, what are some of the lessons learned from working with virtual staff? 2020 has taught us many things. Here are 3 things that 2020 has taught us about virtual employees.

Increasing Value

One thing we can take away from 2020 is the fact that the value of virtual employees is increasing. During the pandemic, virtual employees were more necessary than ever before. Virtual employees were able to continue their normal work routines, essentially unchanged, or even take on additional tasks. Firms that invested in virtual staff were likely much better off than firms that insisted on in-house staff only. Not only are virtual employees less affected by events such as the pandemic, but productivity among virtual staff will also only increase more and more as technology improves and more tasks become computerized.


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    Ideal for Social Distancing

    Even though the vaccine is likely to be out soon, social distancing will probably remain a government requirement for quite some time. This means that virtual employees will continue to maintain high value throughout 2021. Virtual employees are perfectly suited for social distancing requirements, as these employees can perform all tasks remotely and rarely need to visit the office in person. Some in-house positions were either converted to virtual positions or else removed (either temporarily or permanently). For as long as social distancing remains, virtual staff will be necessary.

    In-House is Less Necessary

    Another lesson we learned in 2020 is that many “in-house” positions are really in-house by choice, not by necessity. Of course, some in-house positions may have an advantage over remote positions, but in some cases, there is no advantage at all. Sometimes, employees are more productive in-house because of the ease of communication with colleagues, monitoring by managers, ease of having in-person meetings, and so forth. However, in other cases, there is essentially no drawback to converting a position to a remote position, and some employees may actually be more productive working remotely. The year 2020, therefore, caused firms to really think about what in-house are necessary, and which can be converted to remote.

    Contact Get Staffed Up for More Information

    These are just a few of the lessons learned from working with virtual staff in 2020. To learn more about hiring virtual employees, contact Get Staffed Up, LLC today by calling 866-763-2452.


    Image credit: shixart1985

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