Never Pay $45 an HOUR ($93,600/year) for a Virtual Assistant!

Virtual Assistant with blue cardigan and white shirt sitting in front of a computer while she speaks on the phone. In the table there are some documents a blue pen, a glass of water a plant with yellow base, and a light bulb. She is in a room with big windows.

We’re a big believer in the mindset of getting more help, and getting it now. And why not hiring a virtual assistant? Making the decision to delegate tasks you (1) hate, (2) aren’t good at, or (3) don’t make you a lot of money is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. Quite […]

The Law Entrepreneur Podcast

Brett with a suit, white shirt and a blue, black, gray tie crossing his hands while smiling next to an image of a illustration of a man with white shirt and red tie holding a computer representing The Law Entrepreneur Podcast with the name of the Guest Neil Tyra. These images are placed in a red background with also the GSU logo next to Brett

On January 6, 2020, we had the privilege of being the featured guest on The Law Entrepreneur podcast, where the law meets entrepreneurship. This podcast is hosted by the attorney Neil Tyra, and it is designed for Law Firm owners. It features successful lawyers and entrepreneurs who share their experience with the purpose of teaching […]